Inclusive Teaching for SEN Students
Course Summary
This course will focus on a broad topic of Special Education Needs. It is a topic well-known in many countries in the world. However, it seems that not many countries have come to a solution that satisfies all stakeholders in the process. It is primary to focus on children's needs, providing the most beneficial outcome to the quality of their lives. But, in the process, is it possible that we overwhelm the ones who are planning for those outcomes and are implementing the programs?
Through encouragement of your philosophical skills and engagement in discussions which are much needed in the world of education, the course will go through some basic knowledge of Special Education Needs and some of the most prevalent difficulties and impairments, as well as special talents and extraordinary abilities one can come across a school setting.
5-day course: 400 €
6-day course: 480 €
7-day course: 560 €
Dates | Duration | Location | Confirmed | Registration |
Course Detailed Description
This course will focus on a broad topic of Special Education Needs. It is a topic well-known in many countries in the world. However, it seems that not many countries have come to a solution that satisfies all stakeholders of the process. It is primary to focus on children's needs, providing the most beneficial outcome to the quality of their lives. But, in the process, is it possible that we overwhelm the ones who are planning for those outcomes and are implementing the programs?
Through encouragement of your philosophical skills and engagement in discussions which are much needed in the world of education, the course will go through some basic knowledge of Special Education Needs and some of the most prevalent difficulties and impairments, as well as special talents and extraordinary abilities one can come across a school setting.
The course will present some of the SENs a teacher can come across, and suggest some of the approaches for children with:
Intelectual disabilities
Learning disabilities
Hearing impairment
Visual impariment
Physical impairments
Emotional difficulties
Gifted capabilities
*Please note that the course schedule provided on this website for the 6-day course is intended as an example only. The actual schedule may vary according to the needs and preferences of the group attending the course.
Upon registration for the course, attendees will be provided with a finalized schedule tailored to the specific course they have booked. This schedule will include details such as session times, topics covered, and any additional activities planned.
For any questions or concerns regarding the course schedule, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Day 1
Course outline
Ice-breaking activities
Introduction of the participants, their goals for the class and their challenges, school presentations
What is Special Education and who is it for?
The importance of Special Education
Who needs Special Educaiton?
Guided city tour
Day 2
Difference of integration and inclusion.
The idea of inclusion.
Role of different stakeholders in SE: teachers, parents, school. society
The process of SE from early age to adulthood.
Day 3
Intelectual disabilities
Learning disabilities
Day 4
Hearing impairment
Visual impariment
Physical impairments
Emotional difficulties
Day 5
Types of giftedness and their needs
Early signs of potencial giftedness
Gifted children in the mainstream school system
What can schools do?
Difficulties that may accompany giftedness
Self evaluation
Day 6
Course evaluation
Certificate awarding
Excursion and other external cultural activities
Note: The program will be dynamic and interactive. The schedule may change based on the issues posed by the participants and the real resolution processes in which we engage. Excursion plans for any given course may also affect the agenda.
Course outcomes
Better understand the scope of Special Education Needs
Better understand the complexity of inclusion and integration
Better understand different types of disabilities and needs that come with it
Better understand different types of giftedness and needs that come with it
Learn some approaches for optimal learning
Understand the importance of the teacher's awareness of the uniqueness of each student
Understand the importance of the teacher's flexibility in choosing an optimal approach to teaching
Understand the importance of having well-educated assistants in classrooms
Increase understanding of different systems dealing with special needs children in different countries and cultivate mutual respect and intercultural awareness
Understand the importance of continual professional development, and build confidence in advocating for pedagogies that are supportive of special needs children and social and cultural diversity.
Meet colleagues of different nationalities within the EU, engage in cross-cultural learning experiences, exchange ideas, and build a network for future international cooperation.
Enrich communication skills, improve foreign language competencies, broaden professional vocabulary and promote the EU’s broad linguistic diversity